Thursday, February 24, 2011

Musical A's...

Been a crazy, busy week but I'm feeling really blessed and really happy with life. Work is challenging but I really love what I do. I've meet some really great people recently that I'm meeting with weekly for prayer and just to talk about life's journey and the Lord. I'm reading my Bible this year "chronilogically" which is a version where they take all the verses and then rearrange them in order to the date they happened or in the order they would happen in history - it's been really cool but February is hard - it's the "laws" part... but I'm hanging in there!

I joined a co-ed softball team at work and I'm really looking forward to starting the season! I'm dusting off my old glove and gear (dad is digging everything out of the garage this week and I'm going home soon and will reclaim what's useable). I think this will help with my overall fitness routine. I have been doing arobics since January and circuit training and also hot yoga which is amazing. I am seeing some progress on my plans to get in shape, my cardio is better, and I'm excited about team sports! Hey batter, batter!

Looking forward to celebrating a friend's birthday this weekend watching legendary Blue's Guitarist Buddy Guy who will be performing at Billy Bob's in Fort Worth. He is amazing! A very talented musician that will bring the soul. I LOVE live music and I am really blessed to live in DFW - an area of 6.5 million people where there is always something going on...

Also can't forget another favorite "A" song... This one has got some soul to it, preparing for Saturday night. Remember - There ain't no Sunshine when I'm gone... LOL ;)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Well... So I feel a theme coming on.... :)

Well I've decided to try something fun. Each week I'm going to post the verse of the week and the song of the day. There will be an ABC approach and I will share other random thoughts and stories. :) I hope you enjoy!

Week of February 20th

Verse to memorize (KJV): Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7

It's an easy one but a good one to memorize. I started out life in a private Christian school where we memorized lots of Scripture but it was all in King James and I use NIV now in my daily life but memorization is "word for word" and if you don't use it you loose it so I"m going back to KJV - yeah!?

Next addition is the Song of the Day:
Another Day in Paradise by the great Phil Collins - love this one, really haunting and an 80's classic and many of you know I love all things 80's!

Finally got a new computer this past weekend. Over a month without one was hard, but I'm very thankful for it now and I spent the time purging myself of lots of stuff like movies and books and clothes. There not ALL gone, but I'm making a dent in things I don't need and that weren't really helping on my journey through life. The robbery really made me start thinking about where I put my "treasure" and what is really valuable to me... Hmmm... deep thoughts :)

Hope everyone has an "A"wesome week. Much Love, Karla

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Well... That's a great question!

Hi Everyone,

Very exciting - my "public service announcement" or TV show was recorded for the TBN station, to be aired soon. My friend David has figured out how to upload the video I was given on to YouTube so check out the link!

I talk a lot about my job and Urban Planning so prepare! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

January 2011 - what happened??

Well this is just a quick update from a very kind friends laptop. January was a bit of a whirlwind. My home was robbed, my laptop stolen and things were kinda hectic from there.  I STILL haven't gotten my insurance check to replace the stuff that was taken but I rest a bit easier knowing it will eventually BE resolved and at least I HAD insurance! 

Haven't made much progress on many of my New Year's resolutions - how's everyone else doing?... Need to actually sit down and think about why minimal progress and what I'm going to do to change that. Once I'm more plugged in to technology I shall recant the "break in" experience - for those that may be interested.... Very surreal, someone is in your home, looking at all your stuff, though it IS just stuff - but I actually learned a few lessons through the experience - funny how life and the Lord work that way :)

Other things to post on soon (teaser): New church and Community, Day Trip to Archer City - home of author Larry McMurtry and 6 bookstores (population 1,800), snow days, surviving the superbowl, Transportation Cooperative Research Board newest induction, Boston, song of the day coming soon, and more....